Friday, May 16, 2014

Excerpt + Giveaway - "Wolf' by Jim Ringel

Today, I am here with an excerpt of 'Wolf' by Jim Ringel as part of his blog tour.

About the book -
Johnny Wolfe carries his dog Sindra in a vial that he keeps in his pocket.  He carries her out of loyalty.  He carries her out of guilt.  He carries her because there are no more dogs in this world. And he carries her to connect to her feral nature, so that he might take her inside himself and feel her animal wildness.
Johnny’s life is in shambles.  His sales career at Bulldog Enterprises is on the blink. On his way to work one day he comes across a colleague who is killed by a dog. But with dogs now extinct, how is this possible? Going through his colleague’s dead body, Johnny discovers the colleague is carrying a rather sizeable sales order. Figuring “he’s dead, I’m not”, Johnny decides to place the order as his own.
Except he can’t figure out what product the colleague is selling.  As he gets closer to understanding the product, Johnny starts to realize it has more and more to do with why the dogs might be returning, and why they’re so angry.
Then he starts to wonder if maybe the dogs know more about him and Sindra, and if maybe they’re angry with him.
                                                                     Publishing on 13th May, 2014.

Wolf Purchase Links:
Amazon US: Link
Amazon UK: Link
Barnes & Noble: Link
Goodreads: Link

About Jim Ringel -
Jim Ringel lives in Boulder. When not writing fiction, he  can be found hiking, biking, and skiing in the Colorado mountains, or sitting still and meditating at home. He also does a lot of reading, and is a long-standing member of Denver’s Lighthouse Literary Workshop.

Social Links: Website  | Twitter | Goodreads

Excerpt -

Johnny unzipped the pouch.He removed the syringe from its pouch, and fixed a needle to its barrel.The past is an emptiness from which there’s no relief, that’s what rituals tell us.He swabbed his arm with alcohol. He flicked his lighter alive and ran its flame along the needle’s shaft. The smell of it burning caught in his throat.The pain inside his arm warbled.
It was time.
He took the vial from his pocket, and pushed the needle through its rubber stopper.
The needle poked into the vial, descended down, pierced a piece of Sindra’s meaty liver.He saw it shiver at the needle’s cold touch.
He wanted to feel that touch, shiver awake with Sindra inside him.Back to life.He craved the feeling.The determination. Dogs don’t search the past. They don’t plan sales or the future. They live only in the moment. He pulled up on the plunger, two cc’s.The fire escape filled with the bloody smell of dog.
He inhaled deeply, then let out his breath.
He re-pocketed the vial, and tapped the syringe with his index finger to release any air.As his finger hit the glass, it ached slightly across the crease where this morning’s dying dog had nipped.Things happen in any marriage. Secrets, for instance.Kita didn’t know about the vial.
He rolled up his sleeve to expose his arm’s crusted specks of dried punctures.He tapped for a vein, found one, placed the needle atop it, then inside, and he pushed.
"Dominate vobiscum," he mistakenly prayed, and he sighed as it poked into him.
"Good dog." He breathed Sindra’s name as she climbed up inside.
It’s not odd, really. We may not choose our families, but we choose who we wished they were.Sindra in his arm, it was his last homage.A mission he was on.A direction, down into a deep descent.

And also the Author and Publishers provided us with a signed paperback plus a $20 Amazon giftcard giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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