Saturday, September 3, 2022

Graphic Novel Review - Star Wars: Allegiance

Name: Star Wars: Allegiance 
Writter: Ethan Sacks
Artist: Luke Ross
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Cover Artist: Marco Checcheto
Letter: VC's Clayton Cowles 

'Allegiance' is the only one of the three 'Journey To Star Wars' mini-series for the sequel trilogy that focuses on the main three protagonists and even the main antagonist Kylo Ren in cameo appearance. Maybe that is why it was so hard to pull off, especially considering despite the presence of all the major players the conflict was quite minor and the outcome was so obvious from the start. 

The plot follows Leia, Rey, Chewie and Rose as they travel to Mon Cala to forge a new alliance while aiming to acquire some new spaceships for the resistance. While in a side plot Finn and Poe attempts to find a secret cache of weapons that can be of great use to the plight of the forces of the resistance. 

The plotline following Leia and Rey seems to contain a bit too much dialogue and the characters seemed a bit too off at times. I liked the subplot involving Finn and Poe much better in comparison with its banter and humorous bits, but this might be due to fact that Finn is one of my favourite characters in the sequel trilogy. 

There was nothing wrong with the art, in fact the alien characters were drawn quite nicely and the action sequences were well done too. But it lacked the grandiosity of drawing on offer present on the first two miniseries. As a matter of fact, the spectacular covers by Marco Checcheto makes this even more apparent.

I did enjoy reading about these characters and I am sure it served its purpose of enticing fans before 'The Rise of Skywalker'. But I can't give this more than an average score of 3 out of 5 stars.

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