Sunday, June 30, 2019

Comics This Week - JUNE 26, 2019

[ This post is entirely based on the comics that I read from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't read was either me not being interested in them or not being able to get my hands on them. ]

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Joe Quinones

With the Dial finally secured, and on the run from those who want to control the powerful device that can give anyone the powers of a random superhero, Miguel and Summer head to the old Justice League Detroit headquarters with the hope of finding some help in contacting Superman.

My thoughts:
I came to this series expecting wackiness, and thankfully I did get a lot of it. the latest issue carries on with the wacky new hero designs, the fast paced struggle to reach real superheroes for help and some more cameos from past little known characters. Miguel and Summer are still as fun and youthful, fresh antagonists as before with their charm still intact.
The art by 'Joe Quinones' is a star in this issue as well, as he keeps drawing different panels in different style in unique tandem, adding palpable layers to the experience.
I am still quite unsure where the author is headed with his story, and that is the main positive of this wonderful ride.
8.5 out of 10.

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Russell Dauterman

The tides begin to turn as unexpected allies appear in a twist that will shake the heavens! Malekith's allies are faltering at last before the might of all Earth's heroes, but the Dark Elf King has one final trick - and it's got a VENOMOUS bite! Out of options, the God of Thunder makes a sacrifice that will leave him forever changed. But will it be enough? And what heroes may fall in his wake? Midgard's fate is sealed as Jason Aaron's years-long saga comes to its epic conclusion!

My thoughts:
I haven't read such well crafted finale of a major event in many years. But, despite the awesome finish with epic battles and magnificent gods, this series, in its core is a Thor story. A damn good Thor story which seems like Marvel trying to run the show with Jason Aaron's triumphant saga.
The drawing is once again quite brilliant by Dauterman with Matthew Wilson's dazzling coloring to boost the grandness and the overall dramatic nature of the action.
I really loved the different Thor's and the family drama of the Asgardian gods. But, in the end, nothing much changed at the end of the event compared to when it began. But, that didn't take much out of the enjoyment for me, although I am not much interested in the repercussions after the satisfying finish.

9 out of 10.

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Mahmud A. Asrar

•  There have been many loves of Conan's life beyond ale and battle.
•  But nothing is sacred as the CRIMSON WITCH twists what is truly best in life!
•  PLUS: The next chapter in the all-new CONAN novella "BLACK STARLIGHT"!

My thoughts:
Jason Aaron And Mahmud Asrar carry on with their method, telling standalone stories while moving the larger plot forward ever so slowly. But this story is not as strong as some on the previous issues, as Conan is mostly silent and his attitude was a bit too emotional to be believable. It's not that the issue bad, not at all, but rather a bit pale compared to what has come before.
The lack of action did give Asrar less room to draw his brutal sequences, but the different characters and their facial expression (specially Conan, as always) were as brilliant as ever.
Hoping the main storyline would move forward a bit faster though.   

7 out of 10.

Publisher: Ahoy Comics
Writer: Mark Waid, Tom Peyer, Stuart Moore, Alan Robinson
Artist: Lanna Souvanny, Peter Gross

Three dazzling short "pilot" stories from AHOY's finest - and you get to vote on which series continues! In "Noah Zark" by Mark Waid and Lanna Souvanny, an alien boy is kidnapped into an interplanetary zoo-and becomes the protector of the animals. In "True Identity" by Tom Peyer and Alan Robinson, we learn what secret anguish drives the most beloved superhero on Earth! And Stuart Moore and Peter Gross's "Bright Boy" tells the grim tale of the world's smartest human and the havoc he leaves in his wake.

My thoughts:
An unusual type of anthology, featuring three shorts, and the reader gets a chance to vote for one of them, which would get an ongoing series. A rather nice concept, in my opinion.
'True Identity' tells the tragic origin story of a superhero from the future, who can be an interesting one, if further explored upon. The authors poked a bit of fun at the generic otherworldly superhero troupe.
'Bright Boy' is a rather different and ambitious tale of a different kind of hero, who works in secret to avert various crisis's. The unorthodox drawing and twist ending, while might be a bit too much for some casual readers, it does add to the overall enjoyment.
'Noah Zark' is an all ages story featuring a space fairing kid going to different planets to return different aliens to their homes. The drawing is gorgeous, and the story has so much potential to eventually turn into an enjoyable ride in longer form.
While it's difficult to choose which is the best among these three, this small anthology was definitely one of the highlights for me this week. 

9 out of 10.

[ PS: This was a rather bleak week when I think about it and nothing else much interest me at all. ]

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Promising Manga & Light Novels This Week - JUNE 25, 2019

[ This post is entirely based on the stuff that I find to be promising from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't find interesting due to preferences based on my taste and so this is solely my view. ]

Series : Fire Force Vol. 16
Story & Art : Atsushi Ohkubo
Publisher : Kodansha Comics

Synopsis :
A new action fantasy set in a steampunk Tokyo from the creator of the smash hit Soul Eater!
Now that Company 8 has learned that Haijima Industries is using children in an attempt to spark an Adolla Burst, Shinra is eager to put a stop to their heinous practices. To infiltrate their facilities, he agrees to let them study his own powers, and now he must face one of the ghosts of his childhood--the evil Kurono, a twisted pyrokinetic with enough power to rival the toughest soldier on the Fire Force.

[ I am quite interested in this series, so much that I have bought the physical copies of the first three volumes. ]

Series : Hinamatsuri Vol. 3
Story & Art : Masao Ohtake
Publisher : One Peace Books

Synopsis :
The Doll Festival, or Hinamatsuri, is a celebration held in hopes that young girls grow up healthy and happy. Fortunately, as the bizarre world of Hinamatsuri continues to unfold, our beloved characters are all doing just that: audacious-little-psychokinetic Hina, brave-homeless-girl Anzu, and talented-junior-high-schooler Hitomi. This volume joins the celebration with two all-new extra chapters you won’t want to miss!

[ A comedy manga with an interesting concept, should be good. ]

Series : To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Vol. 8
Story & Art : Maybe
Publisher : Vertical Comics

Synopsis :
From the editors behind Attack on Titan and Flowers of Evil comes a new action fantasy title that combines western mythology and supernatural beings with imagery of the American Wild West.
Schaal passes out after she hears the Voice of God at the Incarnate research facility École. Hank stays at her bedside until she wakes up.
There was once another woman who similarly heard the Voice of God—the genius who created the Incarnates, Elaine. When Schaal asks Hank about his relationship with Elaine, Hank resolves to tell her the truth, and the story shifts into his past with Elaine...

[ I am not quite sure why I am interested in this one, it's just one of those that draws my attention somehow. ]

Series : Witch Hat Atelier Vol. 2
Story & Art : Kamome Shirahama
Publisher : Kodansha Comics

Synopsis :
A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story was voted one of the top 10 manga of the year in 2018 by the Japanese manga industry.
Join Coco as she continues her spellbinding journey of magic and discovery!
After traveling to the mystical township of Kalhn with her new master to buy a casting wand, a strange, masked witch transports Coco and her three sister apprentices to an eerily quiet city. But they soon find out that they're not alone, and they encounter a ferocious dragon! Do these fledgling witches have what it takes to defeat the fire-breathing beast, or will their plans and lives go up in flames?!

[ This should be very good. An interesting setting and gorgeous looking drawing. I really need to read this now. ]

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Weekend Shorts - 'His Footsteps, Through Darkness and Light' by Mimi Mondal

Name - His Footsteps, Through Darkness and Light
Written by - Mimi Mondal
Ilustrated by - Kashmira Sarode
Edited by - Marco Palmieri
Published by -

This one could have been so much more, it had an interesting mixture of Jinni from the lamp with the Indian mythology of 'devadashi'. It had interesting characters in an interesting setting going against social norms and injustice. But somehow the scope and the way the plot was handled didn't seem to evoke the amount of that could have been possible it seems.

The story centers around Binu, a trapeze master whose one simple act of compassion puts him and his circus mates on a collision course with a terrifying supernatural power.

Coming from an Indian background, Mimi did strongly depict the caste and social stigma system of ancient India and tried to implement fantasy elements into her setting. The world building was very promising, but it may be that the scope was too small but in the end the story left a lot to be desired.

I would have liked further glimpses into the mysterious Jinni and the violent god as well. It all left a rather sour taste in my mind, for want of more plot or at least some adequate closure.

This gets 2.5 out of 5 from me.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Comics This Week - JUNE 19, 2019

[ This post is entirely based on the comics that I read from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't read was either me not being interested in them or not being able to get my hands on them. ]

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Tom King
Artist: Mikel Janin

"The Fall and the Fallen" part four! Batman has been defeated by Bane's minions and chased out of Gotham. As a last-ditch effort to save his son from the lonely fate of being Batman, his father from another universe, Thomas Wayne, a.k.a. the Flashpoint Batman, is taking Bruce to the far ends of the Earth to try to give him the one thing that will cause him to give up crime-fighting for good.

My thoughts:
Despite better than the last issue in content, this still seems quite pointless to me. Loved the character interaction between Bruce and his alternate reality father, loved the drawing and the colors a lot. But the pace is just too slow.
This all seems just a needless build up for 'City of Bane'. And the song was annoying as hell. Expected some better dialogue from Tom King, but I really liked the psychological approach to storytelling rather than plain action.
Hoping for much more improvement in future issues.

7 out of 10.

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Javi Fernandez

After being off-planet for so long, the Justice League must try to pick up the pieces of their lives-but Lex Luthor has other plans. If he has his way, he'll show all of humanity that the Justice League will never be there in the world's time of need!

My thoughts:
Well, nothing much really happens here, to be honest. This issue starts off a new arc rather slowly. Dialogue heavy and cameo infused storytelling with a huge cast of characters is fully on display here. The scope often feels a bit too much to be contained in this single issue.
I would have liked a lot of action in my team superhero comics, and this one offers none at all. While the overarching story of Perpetua and Lex Luthor is quite interesting, this issue as a whole offers little and falls rather flat on its promises.
Art was okay, the different characters from the multiverse were a joy to look at, but once again the lack of action rather hampers the enjoyment for me. 

6 out of 10.

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Chip Zdarsky
Artist: Lalit Kumar Sharma

• In the aftermath of Chip Zdarsky's explosive first arc of DAREDEVIL, the ground of Hell's Kitchen has shifted and Matthew Murdock has emerged a changed man...but for better or worse?
•  Don't miss the second installment of this new arc: "No Devils, Only God"!

My thoughts:
This series keeps getting better and better. We delve further into Matt's struggles to pursue a life without super heroics. But a costumed vigilante can never return to normal life, can he?
'Chip Zdarsky' really knows how to get into the psyche of his characters and its apparent here once more. Long time fans will surely fill the emotional turmoil together with our hero on a personal basis through this writing.
I wish the drawing was a bit better, but when the story is this good I can not but wait for future installments.
One of the best on goings of Marvel right now.

8.5 out of 10.

Publisher: IDW Publishing
Writer & Artist: Stan Sakai

Follow the adventures of rabbit ronin Miyamoto Usagi as he wanders Edo period Japan on his warrior's journey. In the start of this three-part story, Usagi becomes embroiled in a puppet drama where the players are not quite what they seem! Written, drawn, and lettered by comics legend Stan Sakai! Colors by Tom Luth (Groo the Wanderer)!
The start of an exciting new chapter in the epic ongoing saga of Usagi, now published by IDW!
Exciting retail incentive variants are offered for the serialized Usagi Yojimbo series for the first time!  
This series will be in all color!

My thoughts:
I never read any of the Usagi Yojimbo stories, and was quite unprepared for the story. While the art required a bit getting used to and I wasn't at all familiar with the characters at all, the charm is clearly visible here.
The story has a unique kind of allure to it that kept me turning the pages, and thinking of going into past issues/volumes to relive the atmospherics. The fun bits about Japanese history and cultures are always an added bonus.
A nice little intro story that, while certainly not for everyone, but has a kind of magic that will make people coming back for more.

8 out of 10.

Publisher: Valiant Comics
Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Renato Guedes

Who are the cosmic beings known only as the Psi-Lords? And how will they change the course of the Universe in this brand-new ongoing series?
Four astronauts awake in an otherworldly prison with no memory of how they got there! What is their connection to the Psi-Lords? And how will they escape?
Fred Van Lente is crafting a lively sci-fi mystery, and Renato Guedes' art is (literally) out of this world.

My thoughts:
While the amnesia points-of-view characters are nothing new, this action packed first issue was a quick read with its fast pace and visceral action. The overall mystery of the setting is just beginning and the intensity on offer is another fun fact.
The characters are not actually relatable on a personal level and much is left to be desired on the overall emotional impact.
The drawing by 'Renato Guedes' is unique and colorful and draws attention to the action quite strongly.
I am hoping for more originality in the future issues though.

6.5 out of 10.

[ PS: I haven't caught up with stuff like 'A Walk Through Hell', 'Aquaman' or 'Uncanny X-men' yet and couldn't make enough time to try anything else this week. ]

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Promising Manga & Light Novels This Week - JUNE 18, 2019

[ This post is entirely based on the stuff that I find to be promising from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't find interesting due to preferences based on my taste and so this is solely my view. ]

Series : Dead Mount Death Play Vol. 2
Story : Ryohgo Narita
Art : Shinta Fujimoto
Publisher : Yen Press

Synopsis :
Disaster personified has arrived, but his purpose is unknown. One thing is certain-Polka and company are in the presence of raw power. With death upon them, Shinjuku is in frenzy...The true Death Play has begun.

[ New manga from the creator of Baccano! and Durarara!!, color me interested. ]

Series : Silver Spoon Vol. 9
Story & Art : Hiromu Arakawa
Publisher : Yen Press

Synopsis :
Lessons learned at the dairy farm push Hachiken to continue working hard and move away from his past. But moving away from a past means a goal for the future...Will Hachiken be able to discover his dream for his life in the cold winter at Ego Az?

[ I have watched both season of the anime and loved them. A great slice of life shounen series (my review of first season). ]

Series : Prison School Vol. 13
Story & Art : Akira Hiramoto
Publisher : Yen Press

Synopsis :
Shoulder Wars has taken a turn for the extreme as the Chairman's helicopter is about to crash into the academy! Time is of the essence, but who will survive?! It's the conclusion to the Field Day arc!

[ Latest volume of a highly acclaimed series. I need to check this one out. ]

Series : Ultraman Vol. 12
Story : Eiichi Shimizu
Art : Tomohiro Shimoguchi 
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
It’s time for a new generation of Ultraman!
Decades ago, a being known as the Giant of Light joined together with Shin Hayata of the Science Special Search Party to save Earth from an invasion of terrifying monsters called Kaiju. Now, many years later, those dark days are fading into memory, and the world is at peace. But in the shadows a new threat is growing, a danger that can only be faced by a new kind of hero—a new kind of Ultraman…
The battle against the Star of Darkness in New York City ends in a blinding flash of Spacium rays. While things return to normal for the SSSP, in the aftermath, Adad betrays the Star Cluster Council and flees to Hong Kong. Now, two assassins known as the Leo Brothers have been sent to hunt him down. In this battle of unleashed beasts, there is only victory or death…

[ Well, I a have a thing for superheroes as you all know. And this one has an anime licensed by 'Netflix', should be good. ]

Series : Accel World Vol. 18
Story : Reki Kawahara
Art : HIMA
Publisher : Yen On

Synopsis :
Prepare for a full dive!
For the sake of opposing the White Legion, Oscillatory Universe, a meeting between the Black and Green Legions has been called. But any longtime player of Brain Burst knows that no meeting is complete without a fight! With negotiations underway and the battle set to begin, everything seems to be progressing smoothly...until a mysterious jet-black avatar falls from the sky and lands between the two parties! The newcomer carries two swords-each as black as his armor-and reveals a piece of information that raises the stakes of the match exponentially! Now it's all or nothing in the Battle Royale between Nega Nebulus and Great Wall. But these two Legions will have more than just their powerful opponents to worry about, because the arena for this high-stakes battle is the newly implemented Space stage!

[ I know this probable won't be very good, but somehow I have been interested in this series for a long time now. ]

Series : Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Vol. 10
Story : Tappei Nagatsuki
Art : Shinichirou Otsuka
Publisher : Yen On

Synopsis :
The times may change, but the legends of adventuring never will!
With the Witch Cult and the Archbishop of Sloth defeated, Subaru Natsuki is finally reunited with Emilia. Overcoming their bitter parting, the two manage to reconcile only for new troubles to take center stage. Even though the coast is now clear, half of the villagers who escaped have yet to return. Hoping to meet up with Roswaal, Ram, and the missing residents of Earlham, Subaru and the others head toward the Sanctuary. Waiting for them inside are the unwelcoming inhabitants of the Sanctuary and a very suspiciously amused Roswaal. Though Subaru tries his best to find a way to bring everyone home, when past and present collide, he'll come face-to-face with a Witch who lives in his dreams!

[ An 'Isekai' series that has interesting concepts. I watched half of the first season of the anime and was impressed.  ]

Series : A Certain Magical Index Vol. 19
Story : Kazuma Kamachi
Art : Kiyotaka Haimura
Publisher : Yen On

Synopsis :
A certain unlikely hero...
In the shadowy underbelly of Academy City, the problem-busting team known as Group (centered around Level Five esper Accelerator and the man who wields the powers of science and magic, Tsuchimikado) is investigating every lead they can related to the word dragon. This clue may be the key to finding their way out of a terrible situation. Unfortunately, their efforts put them at odds with a particular member of the General Board, the highest body of authority in Academy City. Once again, Group finds itself in the center of a gunfire-filled conspiracy...just as former Item member Hamazura stumbles onto the scene?!

[ One of the most famous light novels which is still ongoing. ]

Series : The Empty Box and Zeroth Maria Vol. 6
Story : Eiji Mikage
Art : Tetsuo
Publisher : Yen On

Synopsis :
"I couldn't care less what happens to me. All I've ever wanted is
for you to be happy."
The Silver Screen of Broken Wishes was a Box intended to stop Daiya's plan to rule the world-a theater to show him his past and destroy his wish. Unfortunately, Daiya isn't one to go down so easily, and "Aya" Otonashi is the key to his plan to drag Kazuki into the theater and defeat him. Will Daiya succeed in changing the world-or will someone be able to save it from him?

[ Another famous light novel, and this one is finished in Japanese. So I have no excuses for binge reading this. ] 

Series : My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected Vol. 7.5
Story : Wataru Watari
Art : Ponkan 8
Publisher : Yen On

Synopsis :
The Service Club is especially busy these days now that they're handling requests via email. Even without the excitement of a major event, sometimes just the day to day is all the drama you need...

[ Well, I am a fan 'Oregairu' and 'Hachiman'. As a matter of fact I have bought physical copies of the first three volumes already. ]

Series : Infinite Dendrogram Vol. 9
Story : Sakon Kaidou
Art : Taiki
Translator : Andrew Hodgson
Publisher : J-Novel Club

Synopsis :
The battles around the ruins are intensifying. Two agents from Dryfe enter the stage, and the superweapon built to be the hope of ancient humanity is on the verge of awakening.
The threats to the kingdom force the masked princess to reveal her power, while the demon lying dormant within Ray's bracers waits for her time to show herself.
The Quartierlatin County is in grave danger, and it's up to Ray and his allies to stand and protect it.

[ Although relatively new, this light novel is also very high rated online. I am hopeful regarding this one. ] 

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Promising Manga & Light Novels This Week - JUNE 11, 2019

[ This post is entirely based on the stuff that I find to be promising from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't find interesting due to preferences based on my taste and so this is solely my view. ]

Series : Komi Can't Communicate Vol. 1
Story & Art : Tomohito Oda
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
The journey to 100 friends begins with a single conversation.
Socially anxious high school student Shoko Komi’s greatest dream is to make some friends, but everyone at school mistakes her crippling social anxiety for cool reserve! With the whole student body keeping their distance and Komi unable to utter a single word, friendship might be forever beyond her reach.
Timid Tadano is a total wallflower, and that’s just the way he likes it. But all that changes when he finds himself alone in a classroom on the first day of high school with the legendary Komi. He quickly realizes she isn’t aloof—she’s just super awkward. Now he’s made it his mission to help her on her quest to make 100 friends!

[ An interesting new debut, that promises to be a fun slice-of-life if nothing else. ]

Series : Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic Vol. 36
Story & Art : Shinobu Ohtaka
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!
Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks.
Inside the Sacred Palace, Alibaba’s experience after death drives him to make Sinbad see reason, but the Great Flow is suddenly disturbed! Confusion and chaos descend on the earth’s surface, and friends become foes as Aladdin, Alibaba, Judar and Sinbad fight to reclaim their home...

[ I only read 1 or 2 volumes of this series and found the setting to be original and unique. It is close to its end and probably now is the time to binge read this one. ]

Series : Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle Vol. 7
Story & Art : Kagiji Kumanomata
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
A captured princess just wants a good night’s sleep! Shhh…
Kidnapped by the Demon King and imprisoned in his castle, Princess Syalis is…bored.
Princess Syalis manages to mess up Christmas and Valentine’s Day…again. Then, when Syalis and her demon captors pay a visit to her kingdom of Goodereste, a demon stands in for the princess…and winds up needing to be kidnapped herself! A common enemy forces Syalis and her archnemesis Poseidon to team up. And Syalis messes up more things, including a Demon Castle hot-pot party and a Demon King educational biopic. But she still manages to find some good opportunities for relaxing naps…

[ Another one I am not actually sure about, but the obvious lack of quality stuff this week prompts me to check this one out. ]

Friday, June 7, 2019

Comics This Week - JUNE 5, 2019

[ This post is entirely based on the comics that I read from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't read was either me not being interested in them or not being able to get my hands on them. ]

Publisher: Aftershock Comics
Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Artist: Evgeny Bornyakov

Missing kids, a mysterious cult, and one very angry ex-wife-seems like a typical Tuesday for conspiracy theorist David Corey. While David appears crazy to most, he might just be the only chance the FBI have of finding the missing kids and solving a centuries old mystery. Will FBI agent Joanna Hernandez learn to trust David before it's too late?
From the creative team of Stephanie Phillips (Devil Within, Kicking Ice), Evgeniy Bornyakov (Meteora, Ziggy) , Lauren Affe (Stranger Things, Spider Gwen), and A Larger World's Troy Pe-teri, DESCENDENT is an action comedy that asks what happens if you combine The X-Files and National Treasure. (No, Nick Cage is not in this comic. Sorry, everyone.)

My thoughts:
This feels more like watching a tv show or movie than reading a comic. The story on offer is quite good, and I like the mystery and the twists and turns of the plot. But the progression seems a bit too slow for this medium to me at times.
None of the characters starting to shine yet on their own, but some are showing potentials. Then again this story is not actually about the characters, rather about the mystery I guess.
I am quite hopeful for what is to come in the future, although I wish for a bit more content each issue.

7.5 out of 10.

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Tom King
Artist: Mikel Janin

"The Fall and the Fallen" part three! Is this the end of Gotham City? Bane's army of villains is taking over the city, and Batman's back is against the wall. With all the things Bane has done to him over the last year-from breaking up his wedding to trying to assassinate Nightwing, and then invading Batman's mind to expose his most terrible fears-could this be the worst hate the Caped Crusader has ever encountered?

My thoughts:
It's actually hard to identify the point of this issue. This one recaps Tom King's run on 'Batman', while not really adding much for the readers or anyone following the run neither is really a good starting point for anyone jumping into the bandwagon. And the twist at the end was also something that isn't actually a surprise.
The prose is quite engaging as expected from King delving further into the psyche of both Bruce Wayne and Bane, and the atmospheric drawing by Mikel Janin is dark and foreboding and altogether something to savor on its own.
But readers can thoughtlessly skip this issue, jumping into the next arc knowing they never actually missed anything as nothing much happened here.
All in one all must for any die hard fan of Tom King or Batman, but skip-able for anyone else.

6 out of 10.

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist:  Trevor Hairsine, Stefano Guadiano

Millions are dying every minute. Heroes and villains alike are falling. Can the Justice League unite to find a way to stop the spread of death? Can they save humanity from extinction? Can they even save themselves? The key to survival may hinge on the last moments of one of the World's Finest Heroes...

My thoughts:
Well, Tom Taylor once again proves he can do wonder if he is given freedom with his characters. The story gets more shocking, action packed, emotional and heartbreaking as we watch the world regress to madness through the eyes of our beloved characters. I really loved Taylor's method of taking individual character and telling their side of the tale rather than going for wholesale mayhem. And, damn, that last page did hit me right in the feels, and hard.
The drawing does its job in conveying the horror quite adeptly, but then again, the storytelling does drive the story here. I am just a bit worried if the writer can pull it off safely to the finish line, with the momentum he has created.
A marvelous second issue, I can't wait for more, wish this was weekly.

9.5 out of 10.

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist: Liam Sharp

Green Lantern teams up with Green Arrow to stop a cosmic drug cartel that's using Earth as its main distribution base! It's a  brilliant homage to the team-ups of old, as Morrison and Sharp do the 2019 version in a story we can only call "Space Junkies!"

My thoughts:
I get what the creative team is aiming for here, an homage to old classics from Silver Age, while humorously breaking the police procedural troupe. But, some of the references are a bit too old for me, and not knowing them, I didn't quite enjoy it like I probably should have. And the story seemed a bit confusing at times as well.
I did love the bond and interaction between the two heroes. And the art, coloring and lettering were gorgeous, boldly intensifying the acid trip that this was supposed to be. But let's face the fact, this is not new reader friendly at all (not that, that is always a bad thing).
Maybe I should freshen up my knowledge of the Green Lantern mythos before peaking this up again, but with such high promises and art so gorgeous, it's really hard to not come back for more. 

7 out of 10.

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez, James Tynion IV
Artist: Jorge Jimenez

The "Sixth Dimension" storyline wraps up in this oversize issue as Superman faces down the World Forger to save the Justice League! Can Superman withstand the might of a being that can create worlds from nothing?! Plus, with the Justice League away, Mr. Mxyzptlk's been wreaking havoc! Can anyone on Earth stand up to the fifth-dimensional menace?

My thoughts:
This issue tried to do a bit too much for me really. Well, I love Snyder's style of storytelling, and he did manage to pull of emotional stuff hardly possible among Superheroes by incapable hands, yet the attempt at starting something big while also finishing such a huge storyline can be a bit too much at times. Although the concept of goodness winning being apparent on the first half suddenly switching to villainy aiming for a large scale triumph was a good contrast.
The art was as it should be when you try to handle something so epic, I would have loved if it were a bit more consistent, but I can relate to the artist considering the scope on offer.
But it will keep me interested in the future of DC, that's always a positive.

7.5 out of 10.

Publisher: DC Comics
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Dale Eaglesham

Billy Batson finds himself face to face with the one person who could tear apart his family: his father! But when Billy discovers the trouble he's father is in and the reason he's sought him out, he'll have to not only use the power of Shazam to help him, but also fend off the lethal team of Dr. Sivana and Mr. Mind!

My thoughts:
This series is something else. Probably one of the best thing currently being released from DC, with its fast pace, interesting characters, exciting worldbuilding on offer and multiple plot threads all going on full force. What else to expect from 'Geoff Johns' though?
This issue is a bit slow compared to others though, as real world plot points concerning Billy's father take the front, while 'Magiclands' take a backstage. But that doesn't prepare readers for the twist at the end.
The drawing is as gorgeous as ever, and the coloring is sharp and eye catching.
It's really quite hard to wait for the next issue, when things are this good.

9.5 out of 10.

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Jed MacKay
Artist: Travel Foreman, Michael Dowling, Nao Fuji

The Black Cat is back and starring in her first ever ongoing series! Felicia Hardy has a taste for the finer things in life and a certain set of skills that can get her into any mansion, vault or museum to...procure said finer things. But due to her actions in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, Felicia's not only on the run from the police but also by the New York Theives Guild and their boss ODESSA DRAKE! High-octane heists, climactic chases and twist after twist that will keep you on the edge of your seat like a cat on a perch. IN THIS ISSUE: Find out a secret from Cat's past in a bonus story that sets a foundation for the future! All this and an all-new MARVEL MEOW short story by Nao Fuji!

My thoughts:
Maybe it's just me, but I found this debut issue to be just average, nothing more. It sets the stage for Felicia's new adventures in her solo series, and that is just about the extent of its appeal. I found the side characters of her henchmen and the security guy (who I would like to see more off, as a matter-of-fact) quite interesting, but never really felt any attachment to 'Black Cat' herself. It was hard to find any uniqueness in her voice and demeanor.
The side stories also seemed quite unnecessary to me and seemed just like an effort to increase the bulk.
The art was solid and I really liked the fact that the artist never really tried to oversexualize Felicia at all.

6 out of 10.

Publisher: Marvel Comics
Writer: Jason Aaron
Artist: Russell Dauterman

Malekith's army gets a whole new crop of recruits - the dead! As Midgard transforms under the rule of Malekith and his allies, the dead rise up to form a new Niffleheim! The Black Panther calls in every hero on his roster to fight for Earth, from Spider-Man and the Spiders of Hel to Ghost Rider and Balder the Brave. But if there's any hope for the Ten Realms, it'll come from the skies...

My thoughts:
I will be honest, it is fun to enjoy some classic good versus evil types of stories once in a while. And 'War of the Realms' rage on with its less plot more action packed way. And who would mind when the action is depicted by such capable hands?
The forces of Midgard and the rest of the good guys from other realms finally begin to win, as slowly but surely Malekith's forces start to lose their way. And the drama regarding Thor, Odin And Jane Foster are a fun aspect as 'Jason Aaron' uses his amazing grasp of these characters familiar with him to create something emotional.
But, once again, the art by 'Russell Dauterman' and the coloring by 'Matthew Wilson' are the main selling point of this event, as they continue to draw spectacular action sequences while giving each character their unique perspective.
A solid, although somewhat predictable (regarding the plot) issue. 

8.5 out of 10.

Publisher: Valiant Comics
Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Adam Pollina

Get ready for the second thrilling chapter in Valiant's explosive event series!
Rai's most dangerous foe has returned!
The cyborg samurai faces an impossible challenge. Can he stop his greatest enemy from gaining even more power?
How many more positronic dinosaurs will have to die for Rai to save the future?

My thoughts:
I will be honest, I had no idea of Rai or New Japan's backstory before jumping into this series. While that might have hampered my enjoyment a bit I liked the story and characters to stick with it. And the second issue improves vastly on the first. We get an idea about the main villain's powers, are introduced with newer forces at work against our protagonists, and I get even more amazed by Abnett's ability to introduce real world issues of racial and religious conflicts into this seeming sci-fi action comic.
The art is slick enough for the futuristic techs and the desolate world to keep me coming back to pages just for the drawing.
And I know I need to soon catch on the past of this storyline.

8 out of 10.

[PS: I haven't caught up with stuff like 'Giant Days', 'Paper Girl' or 'The Dreaming' yet. I was also interested in 'Thumbs #1' and 'Black Hammer '45 #2', but couldn't get my hands on them. Not interested in anything else this week. ]

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Promising Manga & Light Novels This Week - JUNE 4, 2019

Another new kind of post that I feel like working on.

This post will cover the mangas & light novels released on the said week as I will try to write a few lines regarding stuff that I find interesting on the week. This most probably won't be posted each week, but I will try to post it in between Tuesday to Friday in the weeks that I manage to do so.

[ This post is entirely based on the stuff that I find to be promising from the current week, not a best of or highlights of the week list. The rest of the stuff I didn't find interesting due to preferences based on my taste and so this is solely my view. ]

Series : My Hero Academia Vol. 19
Story & Art : Kohei Horikoshi
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world’s greatest hero, but greatness won’t come easy.
What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called “Quirks”? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless?
In the wake of tragedy, Class 1-A prepares for the upcoming culture festival. While the students are busy planning for success, other forces are at work with their own agendas, and Midoriya, amid the preparations, continues to train with All Might. But when he runs into the failed hero Gentle Criminal, what lesson will he learn?

[ I loved the first season of the anime, haven't watched the rest or read any manga. But I am interested. ]

Series : Edens Zero Vol. 3
Story & Art : Hiro Mashima
Publisher : Kodansha Comics

Synopsis :
It's here! The creator of Fairy Tail, manga superstar Hiro Mashima, is back with a high-flying space adventure! All the steadfast friendship, crazy fighting, and blue cats you've come to expect... IN SPACE!
Space pirate Elsie gives Shiki the warship he needs to continue his quest to find Mother. Little did he know, the ship belonged to the Demon King Ziggy! Once aboard, Shiki and the crew meet Witch, one of the Demon King's Four Shining Stars, who welcomes Shiki as the new Demon King. When the group ends up at planet Blue Garden while chasing the remaining Shining Stars, they are swept up in a heinous plot to kidnap B-Cubers! However, in the shadows lurks a chaos beyond anything Shiki and his friends could have ever imagined...

[ Hmm, the 3rd volume of the latest manga from the creator of 'Rave' and 'Fairy Tail', should be good. ]

Series : Elfen Lied Omnibus Vol. 1
Story & Art : Lynn Okamoto
Publisher : Dark Horse Manga

Synopsis :
Lynn Okamoto's beloved series is now available in English for the very first time, presented here in a special omnibus collecting three volumes in one!
Captured and isolated against their will, the Diclonius species are a threat waiting to break free. When a young Diclonius girl, Nyu, escapes from the research facility she was being held in, she manages finds solace in two allies, until danger finds her again, putting everyone at risk. However, her enemies soon realize they're in over their heads as an attempt to subdue Nyu results in unspeakable tragedy.
Cited as an inspiration for Stranger Things by the show's creators:
"I had seen an anime called Elfen Lied that is clearly inspired by Akira. And that was really influential. When I watched it I though it felt like an ultraviolent E.T. There were a lot of things in there that I really liked and that made their way into the show, particularly related to the character of Eleven."--Matt Duffer, Co-Creator of Stranger Things
The first of four omnibuses containing all twelve of the original volumes published in Japan!

[ Well, not really a new series, but rather a re-release of a classic seinen. May be it's finally time to check it out. ]

Series : Made In Abyss Vol. 6
Story & Art : Akihito Tsukushi
Publisher : Seven Seas

Synopsis :
Riko and her friends have finally made it to the sixth layer! Not long after taking their last dive, they find themselves in a village populated by Hollows who possess a peculiar sense of value. Mysteries, terrors, and bewildering truths await them in the Abyss’ deepest depths!

[ Latest volume of a highly acclaimed series. The drawing seems very eye catching and there is an anime to watch too. ]

Series : Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma Vol. 30
Story : Yuto Tsukuda, Yuki Morisaki 
Art : Shun Saeki  
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
An action-packed, saucy food comedy featuring one boy’s determination to be top chef!
Soma Yukihira’s old man runs a small family restaurant in the less savory end of town. Aiming to one day surpass his father’s culinary prowess, Soma hones his skills day in and day out until one day, out of the blue, his father decides to enroll Soma in a classy culinary school! Can Soma really cut it in a place that prides itself on a 10 percent graduation rate? And can he convince the beautiful, domineering heiress of the school that he belongs there at all?!
The Régiment de Cuisine has reached its final bout! The council sends in its two best chefs, Tsukasa and Rindo, while the resisters’ hopes ride on Soma and Erina. In this battle of true gourmet between father and daughter, who will walk away the victor—Azami or Erina?!

[ Not really sure about this one, but I am interested in this enough to keep it on this list. ]

Series : The Promised Neverland Vol. 10
Story : Kaiu Shirai
Art : Posuka Demizu 
Publisher : VIZ Media LLC

Synopsis :
The children of the Grace Field House orphanage must escape a macabre fate before it’s too late.
Life at Grace Field House is good for Emma and her fellow orphans. While the daily studying and exams they have to take are tough, their loving caretaker provides them with delicious food and plenty of playtime. But perhaps not everything is as it seems…
With Lucas’s help, Emma is able to finally uncover the mystery of William Minerva. While their helper may no longer be alive, Emma now knows how to escape the world of demons. However, first they will need to escape Goldy Pond in one piece. And to do that, they’ll have to take down some of the most powerful demons they’ve ever come across!

[ I am currently watching and loving the anime. Quite an interesting concept, and the horror elements are very good too. ]

Series : Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Vol. 14
Story : Ao Jyumonji
Art : Eiri Shirai 
Translator : Sean McCann
Publisher : J-Novel Club

Synopsis :
"This isn't Grimgar. We have to get out of here."
The party have been split up in Parano, the other world, where dream monsters and mages run wild. Without their trusty comrades, they can only rely on themselves.
"But how far can I believe that 'I' am me?"
The goals are to find his comrades and to escape. The king holds the keys. Sharing their hearts and strength with Alice C and Io's party who also wandered into Parano, will Haruhiro and company be able to make it back to Grimgar?! This is the concluding chapter to the story of the other world colored by different illusions, Parano.
Then, the tale of adventure born from the ashes will reach a major turning point!

[ An 'Isekai' series that promises to be realistic regarding the struggles of the characters. I know it promises a lot, but I am hopeful. ]

Monday, June 3, 2019

Android Game Review - Arena Stars: Battle Heroes

Game Name - Arena Stars: Battle Heroes
Publisher & Developer - Tiny Titan Studios
Platform - PC (Steam), Android, iOS
Genre - Action, MOBA, Multiplayer

Arena Stars tries to be many things, creating a mashup of some popular genres and promising not to take too much time out of its player base as well. While it performs successfully in many regards based on said promises there are some drawbacks holding the game back. But it is a game to be experienced if you have a few minutes in your hand.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Weekend Shorts - 'Blue Morphos in the Garden' by Lis Mitchell

Name - Blue Morphos in the Garden
Written by - Lis Mitchell
Ilustrated by - Mary Haasdyk
Edited by - Cory Skerry
Published by - 

This short story had a rather promising beginning, but eventually the story did turn out a bit underwhelming. The concept was interesting, giving the normal experience of facing death a fantasy twist. The author also tried to blend in the woman's perspective of the turmoil of joining a new family into her version of altered reality.

'Blue Morphos in the Garden' tells the story of Viv, whose partner's family has a mysterious way of death surrounding them. With the protagonist we get to experience one such death and get to understand why our main character refuses to accept such a fate.

Viv was a strong and well visualized character and her views regarding everything is quite easily understandable. Lily was enjoyable like a breath of fresh air. Janet had that air of sophisticated antagonist going for her. But I rather found the character of Dash to be bland, uninspired and one dimensional. It is really quite hard to see why Viv fell in love with him in the first place.

I really need to mention the drawing by Mary Haasdyk which gives the story a strong bit of flavor.

All in all an enjoyable yet underwhelming read and an unsatisfying finish.

3 out of 5 stars.  

[ A new project, this 'Weekend Shorts'. In which, I will try to review at least one short story over each weekend. The story may be old or new, both award winning stuff or something that fancies me to try it out. ]