Thursday, May 28, 2015

Short Story Review - The Wolf of Ash and Fire

Short Story - The Wolf of Ash and Fire
Writer - Graham Mcneill
Series - Horus Heresy
Published By - Black Library

This one tells of a tale before the Horus Heresy, even before Ullanor, a battle during the Great Crusade, of a time when Horus was an ideal son of the Emperor. It is one of the few stories featuring the Emperor and also features him in battle. While the story was a bit slow at times these two characters and the action really makes it a fun read.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Short Story Review - Marriage of Moment

Short Story - Gotrek & Felix: Marriage of Moment
Writer - Joshua Reynolds
Series - Warhammer 
Published By - Black Library

Gotrek & Felix are just unadulterated fun at times and this short is just a great example of this fact. While incorporating memorable moments of humor and packed with intense bits of action this is a simple story of another adventure in the life's of these two in search of some gold.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Back Amongst The Living Again

Yup, that's it. I am back. After about 5 months of hiatus due to life biting back. 
I started a new job and was posted to a remote place in my country. Due to my financial conditions I couldn't access internet regularly.
But now I bought a new Lap Top and am going to start this site/blog again.
There is a huge backlog of reviews that I need to write and also quite a lot of new materials that I have finished too. So it seems to be a busy future for my site.
Let us just hope that everything goes on as smooth as it promises to be in the future.
Thanks to all my past readers who were with me, hopefully I wont disappoint you guys again.