Tuesday, August 2, 2022

New Comic Review - Batman #126

Name: Batman #126
Published by: DC comics
Writter: Chip Zdarsky
Artists: Jorge Jimenez, Belén Ortega
Colorists: Tomeu Morey, Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Clayton Cowles

It is not often these days that I find myself engrossed in an issue of comics so much that I have to finish in one sitting. Batman #126 by Zdarsky and Jimenez is such a brilliant issue that caused this rare incident. The thoughtful storytelling and delightful art kept me on the edge of my seat till the last page. 

The issue opens with Batman dealing with the consequences of the events of the last issue while thinking about how lucky he is to have other members of the bat family by his side and about after effect of Penguin's death, when all of a sudden Failsafe attacks and the action begins. Then its non-stop action till the last few pages and we are left with a surprising cliffhanger that is sure to keep everyone talking till the issue next month. 

The drawing by Jorge Jimenez is so good this time that it takes center stage for most of the issue. His dynamic drawing strengthened by the magnificent colors of Tomeu Morey might have created the best action sequences in a Batman comic book for the past few years. The fight between Failsafe and the bat family is depicted almost to the point perfection with the feeling of almost being able to feel the movement and the visceral impact of the blows. 

It felt really great to see almost every member of the bat family in action and the entry by Nightwing was spectacular. Jimenez really drew the vehicular movements and the explosions quite brilliantly. 

My only two gripes with the issue are; number one, during the first interaction between Bruce and Tim the dialogues and action by Tim felt really out of character (it seems closer to how Damian might behave), and, number two, in  the action bits the inner monologue by Bruce seems a bit unnecessary and overwritten. These minor issues don't ruin anything from the experience at all, but it just makes these near perfect issue miss out on being a masterpiece.  

The backup (also written by Chip Zdarsky), featuring Catwoman tries to find the heirs of the Penguin, also gets a twist in the plot, as we see the children of Penguin being murdered by a mystery assailant as Selina tries to find out who the killer is. The story is quite enjoyable in its own write and complements the main story by dealing with the consequences of Cobblepot's death. 

Despite the few issues I had with this one, Zdarsky and Jimenez's Batman is most definitely one of the best comics currently being published by DC. And after that cliffhanger, I just wish it came out at least twice a month if not weekly. 

My score, 4.5 out of 5 stars

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